Rebuilt for Expanding Growth and Demand.


The rapid expansion of the NIH All of Us Research Program can be attributed to a substantial increase in participant enrollment in the nation's most extensive health research initiative. The All of Us consortium partners have leveraged program marketing assets to attract and engage with potential enrollees from their local and regional populations. This surge in growth has created a heightened demand for additional assets and the development of fresh campaigns, placing increased demands on the Asset Portal DAM system to keep pace with this growth and expansion. 

While the Digital Asset Management (DAM) system in use at the time proficiently managed essential digital asset lifecycle functions, it faced challenges in handling the increased volume of assets and latency issues associated with the heightened demand, underscoring the need for enhanced agility, scalability, and a more user-friendly interface.


As the leader and senior manager of the Asset Portal, I identified the need for a new DAM system that prioritized speed, scalability, and agility while maintaining ease of use. My team and I established requirements that included robust search capabilities, user-friendly navigation, and intuitive design. The system's key feature, which we championed, was a customizable asset template editor, empowering users to personalize marketing materials by adding custom images, contact details, and logos. Furthermore, we ensured that it efficiently managed a vast library of over 14,000 assets, spanning various formats like documents, PDFs, images, logos, and videos, all conveniently accessible within the Asset Portal.


I oversaw a complete reboot of the Asset Portal, and it seamlessly met the requirements. By integrating the Intelligence Bank system and implementing PrintUI for the customizable template editor, I successfully addressed the increased volume and demand for All of Us Program marketing assets, improved user-friendliness, resolved latency issues, and boosted scalability. The new user interface, with intuitive icons and a color-coded system, significantly enhanced the user experience while browsing through the Asset Portal. Our homepage now features a rotating monthly carousel and an interactive module to showcase updates on content and new assets.


In order to match the rapid expansion of the All of Us Research Program, I upgraded our DAM system into a versatile and efficient platform tailored to meet the growing requirements for consortium partners. Additionally, I introduced a feature allowing consortium partners to submit customizable asset requests when they encounter specialized content or sizing needs. To further enhance user experience, I integrated a LiveChat module, enabling one-on-one interactions with users and providing additional customer support.